August 26, 2023 | 7 PM

This event is done in partnership with the Junior League of Ocala.

Come dressed in your best pink power suit and spend an evening with everyone’s favorite Harvard grad, Elle Woods in honor of Women’s Equality Day! Guests can enjoy specialty cocktails alongside their popcorn and those who bring a package of diapers to donate to the Junior League of Ocala’s diaper bank get their first drink on us! The feature runs 1 hour and 34 minutes. The event will begin at 7 pm.

Legally Blonde:
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is a California blonde with couture clothes (mostly pink), fabulous friends and the hottest boyfriend on campus. So when Warner Huntington III suddenly dumps her and heads to Harvard Law School, Elle takes matters into her own manicured hands. She enrolls too! Now getting Warner back should be a snap (well, maybe a bend and snap), right? Wrong! Elle’s about to begin the toughest fight of her life…for love, honor, justice and respect for blondes everywhere!